Funnel Charts in Inforiver Charts

A funnel chart is a specialized chart type that demonstrates the flow of users through either a business or sales process. Funnel charts are often seen in business or sales contexts, where we need to track the number of customers or number of leads generated in each segment.

We can create Funnel Charts in Inforiver Charts just like how we create them in Power BI but with a major caveat being customization. In Inforiver Charts we can customize our Charts using conditional formatting.

To create a Funnel Chart, we should add values under Axis and Values like below:

To select Funnel Charts, go to Column Charts and under that select the Funnel Chart:

We can even customize our Funnel Charts by showing the % of stage using a bubble. We can do this by going to Settings->Miscellaneous->Show executive funnel bubble:

We can even customize our Funnel Chart further by showing the direction of the Funnel Chart by enabling the Funnel Direction:

We can even customize our Data Lables by selecting the Data Label option:

We can even show the ā€˜% of previous stageā€™ & ā€˜Absolute variance from previous stageā€™, via a single click on the data label as shown in image below:

We can even apply conditional formatting in our Funnel Charts: